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Login to Your People2.0 Portal

You have reached the People2.0 portal page.
Please see below for links to our portals around the globe.​


New Employee Registration

(formerly WePayPeople)

**Netherlands only

People2.0 EduBookers Portal

(formerly WePayPeople)
People2.0 Education Platform

**Netherlands only

Netherlands Portal 

**Netherlands only

All other EMEA countries


Affiliate Resource Center

Recruiter Portal

iConnect Manager

(formerly TalentWave)

iConnect Contractor

(formerly TalentWave)

Workforce Portal

Employer 1095-C Notice

If you were eligible for health insurance coverage through People2.0, your 1095-C is available to you when you login to the Workforce Portal, but you also have the right to request a paper copy of your Form 1095-C. To request a paper copy, please contact our Employee Care team or call us at (844) 717-2148. Upon request, we will provide the form by the later of January 31 following the calendar year of coverage or 30 days after receiving your request.


APAC Portal

(formerly Entity Solutions)

**For employees located in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, New Zealand